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On Dragon's Wing von Adrian Wood

Above the clouds on dragon’s wing
Wind thrashes flesh with fi’ry sting
And space fills with a trepid ring:
The heavens burn for hell’s keen king

Red blinds a blemished realm of ash
Possesséd tail doth whip and thrash
As jagged claws the white fogs hash
With mighty rage old rivals clash

Thick roils of flame lick at the air
Through noxious bursts of light I stare
Acidic swirls at blurred eyes tear
The heated stench too much to bear

Coiled garnet spires cleave dusk’s bed
Through cosmic starry voids I’m led
In such repose the rage is fed
The florid winds; the creature’s bread

Though furled wings beat with tepid slack
My hands clutch tight the roughened back
Sleek graying mists roll back the black
Fine trails of burnt air mark our track

Aloft, sideways the beast’s head cranes
Its neck entwined with bulging veins
Flared nostrils jerk with biting pains
Eyes oyster pools with murd’rous stains

Moon glows on scales of wretchéd blight
Bright bloody hue surrounds this kite
A crimson arrow’s twisted flight
The skies bow down to dragon’s might

© Adrian Wood
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